Saturday, March 13, 2004

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Charles Howard Bozeman and Barbara Ann Newman Bozeman June 14, 1944

Charles Howard Bozeman's parents Artie Claude and Mary Ely Arnwine Bozeman with daughter Mary Katherine

Charles Howard & Barbara Ann in the 1940's

Howard on the left with parents Art and Mary brother Sam and sister Mary Katherine circa 1930

Howard with sister Mary Katherine and again with brother Samuel Richmond in the 1920's

Howard's father Artie Claude as a young man

Barbara Ann Newman Bozemans Ancestors

Barbara Ann Newman Bozeman on her mother's lap with sister Hazel in the 1920's

Barbara's parents Russell Austin and Georgia Montgomery Newman

Barbara's maternal great-grandparents Dr. Elbert Cicero Lay and Missouri Hazeltine Wood Lay

Barbara's maternal great-great-grandparents Jasper and Hester Lay

Barbara Ann Newman Bozeman's Ancestral Tree

Barbara Bozeman's paternal grandparents Robert Sneed Newman on right holding father Russell Austin Newman
Sarah Ann Larrance (grandmother center) Aunt Jesse (standing) Greatgrandmother Katherine C. Austin
and other Aunts and Uncle.

The Lay family homeplace with Jasper, Hester, Dr. E. C., and Missouri Hazeltine Lay on the lower porch in the center

Barbara Bozeman's father Russell Austin in the Maryville Grocery right rear